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Located in the Heart of Southeastern Kentucky



Teetersville was a quiet community in 1958 when our family moved there after the death of my father in a mining accident in 1957.

It didn't take long to make new friends and become a part of a very special Community.

Each family seemed to provide a place for the children to spend time playing or visiting with each other.

Acey Cornett's house was a place for the boys of Teetersville to meet and play football or basketball and pass the summer months away.

May and Worley Miracle's store was a community meeting place where we took a break from playing football or riding bicycles, to relax and listen to Mrs. Miracle tell stories about ghost and panthers that lived in the mountains across the river in Lawson Hollow.

On Halloween she would dress as a coal miner or an old man and go trick or treating with the children of the community. We very seldom guessed her identity.

Gene Branson’s church was another place where we would sit on the steps and talk about the events of the day and make plans for a fishing trip to Big Rock.

Dolly Noe's house was the place for those who like to play horse shoes.

Countless hours were spent by all trying to turn the horse shoe just the right way for a ringer.

A game of Red Rover or Hide and Go Seek would usually wind up our busy day. We would play and enjoy each others company until the darkness of night or our parents would put an end to another day spent in Teetersville with friends.

Sometimes we would gather at Farley’s Grocery Store for a snack or just to play a few songs on the old juke box. Sometimes we would just sit on the porch and visit with friends and neighbors.

Occasionally on a warm summer evening, we were treated to a home movie at the home of Bill and Bertha Shackleford. Neighbors would gather in and sit on the porch or in the yard to watch the film.

Each summer the children from Teetersville would join together at Teetersville Baptist Church for Bible School. Before we went home we were treated with Kool Aid and cookies.

Living and growing up in Teetersville with family and friends is a treasure that time can never take from us!


This site is dedicated to Special Friendships because that’s how I remember Teetersville, as a place of life long friendships.


Please enjoy the pictures, both old and new, as they are posted. Hopefully we will have other friends who will share their "Special Memories" of Teetersville and their pictures, both past and present, with us, and stories of growing up in the greatest place in world, Harlan, Kentucky ... in the friendly little community of



Come back again soon......


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This web site was created and is maintained By : Clay Sellers